Category 1
親しみがある:You are familiar or congenial or approachable.
つきあいやすい:You are companionable or easy to hang out with.
ノリがいい:You can read the situation, adjust yourself to the situation and try to lift the people there.
マイペース:You go your own way.
面白い:You are funny.
優秀:You are excellent.
いい子:You are good, well behaved and do things as expected.
家庭的:You pay more attention to your family.
素直:You are honest or obedient.
Category 2
主張のある:You are assertive in good meaning.
正義感の強い:You have a strong sense of justice.
反骨精神あふれる:You are fiercely struggling with power or the times.
個性的:You have individuality or unique character.
バイタリティーがある:You have the vitality to do things.
向上心のある:You are ambitious or always try to improve yourself.
上昇志向の:You are career-conscious or try to climb the ladder.
面白い:You are funny.
優秀:You are excellent.
いい子:You are good, well behaved and do things as expected.
家庭的:You pay more attention to your family.
素直:You are honest or obedient.
Category 2
主張のある:You are assertive in good meaning.
正義感の強い:You have a strong sense of justice.
反骨精神あふれる:You are fiercely struggling with power or the times.
個性的:You have individuality or unique character.
バイタリティーがある:You have the vitality to do things.
向上心のある:You are ambitious or always try to improve yourself.
上昇志向の:You are career-conscious or try to climb the ladder.