Saturday, January 15, 2011
Today, many Japanese people might eat fried meat cutlets !?--頑張れ受験生!
My house is within seven minutes' walk of a train station. On the way, there are two well-known cram schools. One is for elementary school children. Every time I notice how many children attend the school in the evening, I wonder whether or not it is necessary for children to study such a long time. (All of the students that go there carry the same distinctive backpack provided by the school, so it's easy to pick them out). The other one is for high school graduates who failed their university entrance examinations during their last year of high school. They usually attend this kind of school, called 予備校/ yobiko, to pass the next examination for their first choice university.
Today, I heard a cheer in front of the school for high school graduates. The cheer reminded me that it had been reported that the annual National Center Test for University Admissions would be held this weekend (on the 15th and 16th). When I took the test many years ago, only public universities required you to take it. Now, though, many private universities require you to take it, as well. As for public universities, you decide which university you will apply to based on the result.
Anyway, after I passed through the school, I stopped by a bakery where I regularly go.I found that there were many fried meat sandwiches displayed (please see the attached picture). Usually, fried meat sandwiches don't sell very well. These sandwiches are called カツサンド/ katsu-sando in Japanese. Katsu means fried meat cutlets and サンド means sandwiches. Anyway, these sandwiches at the bakery also reminded me that the aforementioned test would be held tomorrow. Can you guess what the sandwiches have to do with the test? In the Japanese language, katsu/ 勝つ means "to win" in English. 勝つ(win) and カツ( fried meat cutlets) have the same pronunciation : Katsu. Because of this, some people are willing to eat カツ/ fried meat cutlets right before they, their family members,or friends take on something challenging, such as a test or important sports match.
According to the weather forecast, tomorrow will be the coldest day thus far this winter, and it will be snowing in many places. I hope that the test will be carried out without hindrance.